Pré-Publication, Document De Travail Année : 2025



Intersection homology is defined for simplicial, singular and PL chains. In the case of a filtered simplicial complex, it is well known that the three versions are isomorphic. This isomorphism is established by using the PL case as an intermediate between the singular and the simplicial situations. Here, we give a proof similar to the classical proof for ordinary simplicial complexes. We also study the intersection blown-up cohomology that we have previously introduced. In the case of a pseudomanifold, this cohomology owns a Poincaré isomorphism with the intersection homology, for any coefficient ring, thanks to a cap product with a fundamental class. We prove that the simplicial and the singular blown-up cohomologies of a filtered simplicial complex are isomorphic. From this result, we can now compute the blown-up intersection cohomology of a pseudomanifold from a triangulation. Finally, we introduce a blown-up intersection cohomology for PL-spaces and prove that it is isomorphic to the singular ones. We also show that the cup product in perversity 0 of a CS-set coincides with the cup product of the singular cohomology of the underlying topological space.

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Dates et versions

hal-03333535 , version 1 (03-09-2021)
hal-03333535 , version 2 (13-01-2025)



David Chataur, Martintxo Saralegi-Aranguren, Daniel Tanré. SIMPLICIAL INTERSECTION HOMOLOGY REVISITED. 2025. ⟨hal-03333535v2⟩
38 Consultations
90 Téléchargements


