Density Functional Theory‐Based Protocol to Calculate the Redox Potentials of First‐row Transition Metal Complexes for Aqueous Redox Targeting Flow Batteries
Abstract Transition metal complexes are a promising class of redox mediators for targeting redox flow batteries due to the tunability of their electrochemical potentials. However, reliable time‐efficient tools for the prediction of their reduction potentials are needed. In this work, we establish a suitable density functional theory protocol for their prediction using an initial experimental data set of aqueous iron complexes with bidentate ligands. The approach is then cross‐validated using different complexes found in the redox‐flow literature. We find that the solvation model affects the prediction accuracy more than the functional or basis set. The smallest errors are obtained using the COSMO‐RS solvation model (mean average error (MAE)=0.24 V). With implicit solvation models, a general deviation from experimental results is observed. For a set of similar ligands, they can be corrected using simple linear regression (MAE=0.051 V for the initial set of iron complexes).